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Redaction management

Press-Server to narzędzie do zarządzania redakcją czasopisma. Dzięki wirtualnej makiecie, pozwala na jednoczesną współpracę dziennikarzy, redaktorów, reklamy, korekty i składu DTP.



Due to DTP time savings you can focus on really inportant things - events, layout and marketing. Better suited for customers newspaper means more customers.



Accessible and easy-to-use interface and also integration with Adobe InDesign allows complex editorial working. Publishing was never so easy and redaction work is visible at a glance.


Work automatization

Saving time Press server helps team focus on the important actions. Everyone does what he like and what he doesn't is done for him.


Who benefits with the system?

Press system Press Server was designed specially for local newspapers redactions. Based on publishers, journalists, ads agents and DTP real needs it became the rich set of tools needed for complex redaction management and creating next newspapers editions.

What do you benefit with the system?

Through automatic page generation Press Server saves time up to 50% for other redaction tasks. Our press system allows for simultanous work by many users and insight into effects of their works is possible on every stage. Press Server allows also for reviewing archival materials.

How do you benefit with the system?

Shared access allows journalists to add and modify their articles while ads office adds ads. All changes on mockup are shown in real time. Our system's invoice module mimics basic functions of any invoice software and allows for export to most common of them.

Kurier Słupecki uses Press Server system for several years.

Since 2003 we are publishing weekly regional newspaper Kurier Słupecki. That's why we know what local newspaper publisher needs and what problem they face. It allowed us to create efficient and accesible press system.

Learn more

Editorial office

– Control over articles' mockup
– Articles archives
– Linage management
– Style management

Ads office

– Control over ads
– Ads invoicing
– Ads statistics
– "Last minute" ads

Distribution office

– Distribution point management
– Distribution list management
– Distribution statistics
– Distribution invoicing


– HR management
– Edition management
– Invoice management
– Edition calendar

We make editiorial work faster and easier

50% faster. That's what you can benefit from our software

See functions


500 mo

  • + 1500 zł one-time installation price
  • 1 Projekt (tytuł prasowy)
  • 1 system installation
  • Training at client headquarters
  • Support

* ceny netto


Who trust us?


Olga Tsvetkova

Press-Server jest prosty w obsłudze i intuicyjny, więc były interesujące [warsztaty dot. Press Servera – przyp. red.] nie tylko dla osób już pracujących na nim, ale także dla tych, dla których zautomatyzowanie zarządzania procesami redakcyjnymi jest nowością.