Functions of press system Press Server®
First contact with the system is dashboard. You can find here all neccessery tools for reminders and warnings and current user informations.
Every logged user sees two main informations panels. One shows deadline and publication date. Next to him is calendar. This calendar contains informations about events and orders for each day. You can make event that lasts longer that 1 day. For each event and/or order there is chat in which you can talk to person who added an event to your calendar or person to whos calnder you added and event.
Futhermore with proper permissions you can see different panels with different statistics: mockup fill state, editorial office statistics, modular ads statistics and distribution statistics. The higher the permissions the broader view on redaction work.
Editiorial ofice
Articles is the first specialized part of the menu. Access to it have everyone in editiorial office from correspondent through journalist to editor in chief. It is here where you can find every function related to the work on articles. With more permissions user have more options available.
User can add articles to the drawer or directly on the mockup presenting full view on edition irreplaced to editors and ads office. They can also edit or even delete articles. The whole work on article is in special text editior. It is equipped (through the web browser functionalities) with spelling chek, has typical text fields for press text: overtitle, title, place intro, main text, caption. Moreover it graphically shows the volume of the article in modules. You can also add in it photos or iconography. You can decide there about sending to correction office or make corrects later. Every photo you can croppped and add caption to in photo editor and decide about addaing this photo to the article.
Articles marked as 'sent to redaction' are place on the list many people can work on simultanously. Correction office can mark articles as corrected. Articles sent to correction can be sort by author and even the edition.
It is also hear where you can find linage settings. And here you can defined article styles.
One of the most usefull options in this section which has whole editiorial office is article archives. Archival articles can be found by the phrase. Photo archive allows for searching photos attached to article by searching phrase inside the article. Archives are completed with edition archive which shows the complete preview of edition content. It allows not only to reach articles and ads from edition but also you can see how pages and ads looked.
Ads office - Modular Ads
Modular ads is the complex managing of modular ads in redaction. PDF files are the base of the ads however system allows using also most popular graphics format. System
stanowi kompletną obsługę reklam modułowych w redakcji. Podstawą dostarczania reklam do publikacji są pliki PDF, jednakże system dopuszcza użycie również najpopularniejszych formatów graficznych. The system provides efficient service to place ads in publications and its settlement.
You can place on mockup not only ready ads but also reservations and special "last minute" offers. About the offer system can inform by mail selected groups of clients. Offer content may vary from offer to offer. You only need to select prepared mail template. You can also modified selected template before sending it. To the offer you can add link thorugh which client can make reservation in which case ad curator will be informed on event calendar.
Press system Press Server allows to create logs for ads. Advertisement agent have access not only to list of all ads files in redaction but also to the list of their emissions. System allows also to generate edning ads report. you can also generate statistics containing amount of emissioned modules or their value.
Ads office have acces to clients panel where you can add or edit single client, check his ads reservations and even make invoices. You will never forget again about invoicing. System will aftear each planned ad emission promt for invoicing. System allows also to enter separated sequence for each user. Thanks to that everyone keep their own numeration.
Ads office - Small Ads
Small ads is the complex managing of modular ads in redaction. System allows to place on mockup special area for small ads. In this area all emissioned in edition small ads will be placed.
Press system Press Server allows to log small ads. Advertisement agent have access not only to current ads but also archival ones. It make easier to reemission client's ads.
Ads office have acces to clients panel where you can add or edit single client, check his ads reservations and even make invoices. After adding small ads advertisement agent is prompted with panel with details about ad where he can e.g. print confirmation or hold emission.
In every redaction there are clients who have discount. We designed intelligent discount system that not limitingadvertisement agents. Invoice system allows also to enter separated sequence for each user. Thanks to that everyone keep their own numeration.
Distribution office
Distribution is an inportant element of every redaction. Thank to it newspaper reaches audiences. That's why we make sure that our module Distribution in Press Server was as easy-to-use and functional as possible.
Distributors can easly browse electronic distribution list and edit their content. System allows even at the distribution point to insert distribution data: amount of sold copies, returns, cash recieved for sold copies and also make decision how many copies of latest edition to leave. Permissioned distributors can also manage distribution points and group them.
System have separate distribution statistics module that presents data both as table and graph basic distribution data: sold copies, returns and cash that distributors returned with. System allows also to make invoice for sold copies.
Other configuration
Description above cannot present every available option. There are other option that are inherent features without which redaction can't publish newspaper.
Press system Press Server allows to configurate modular grid not only for whole project but also for each page. This configuration along with edition calendar is base for any redaction activity. Press Server allows also for naming each page and setting default price of a module on that page.
Our update module is also worth noticing. Publisher can decide when system will be updated. Covenient and safe. We also offer migration from previous version of our press system.